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6 Benefits of Finding Your Optimal Sleep Temperature

By Your Advisor 9/28/17 9:03 PM Time to read:

Do you ever crawl into bed only to find yourself tossing and turning, trying all night to find a comfortable sleeping position? You’re tired, but you just can’t seem to fall into the deep, restful sleep you need.

Well, you’re not alone.

Many people experience trouble sleeping at some point in their life. While it may be the result of stress, too much caffeine, or your body just not being ready to hit the hay, difficulty sleeping may also be the result of a room that isn’t the right temperature.

To get your best sleep, your bedroom should be kept between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. These cooler temperatures help your body prepare for bed, signaling to your brain that it’s time to catch some Zs.

Keeping your bedroom at the optimal sleeping temperature can be extremely beneficial to your sleep, your overall health, and even your quality of life. Let’s take a look at a few of the biggest benefits of maintaining a cool room.

1. You’ll Fight Insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, you know how debilitating it can be. When you can’t squeeze a few hours of quality sleep in at night, you spend the entire next day feeling groggy, sluggish, and out of touch. If you’re struggling to fall asleep every night, it can take a serious toll on your overall health.

Insomnia can occur because your body is holding on to too much heat, increasing your arousal and keeping you awake. Keeping a colder room can help to reduce the core temperature of your body, stimulating the sleep process and helping you fall asleep easier.

2. You’ll Release More Melatonin

Our bodies naturally release the melatonin hormone when it’s time to sleep. However, melatonin is important for more than just getting some rest. It can also help your body fight cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.

It’s been found that a cooler room can help you produce more melatonin. Not only does this mean you’ll get a better night’s sleep, but you’ll also protect yourself against serious diseases — all from turning your thermostat down a couple degrees.

3. You Can Increase Your Metabolism

Have you ever wished you could burn fat while you slept? Well, sleeping in a cooler room doesn’t quite do this, but it does come close. Because sleeping in colder temperatures helps you increase your metabolism, it can actually help you lose weight.

The benefits on your metabolism won’t only apply while you’re asleep. Sleeping in a room that is about 65 degrees can also help you burn fat throughout the day. This can make it easier for you to achieve your fitness goals and drop some extra pounds.

4. You’ll Decrease Your Risk of Diabetes

If you’re overweight, you’re at risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes. However, it isn’t always easy to lose those extra pounds and remove yourself from that “at risk” pool. But as we already mentioned, sleeping in a cooler room can help you lose weight more easily — reducing your risk of developing diabetes.

When your metabolism increases, you’ll burn through calories more efficiently. It can also help you store more “good fat,” which will reduce your risk of diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

5. You’ll Feel More Productive

There are few things more frustrating than not getting a good night’s sleep before a big work day. When you spend the entire day wondering when you can squeeze in a nap, you’re distracted from the projects and tasks you need to get done. If you can get your forty winks the night before, you’ll be ready for a productive day.

Because a cooler room has been proven to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready for your day. Keeping your room at the optimal temperature can encourage deeper sleep, ensuring you’re getting the rest you need to feel rejuvenated.

6. You Can Decrease Stress and Depression

The link between stress and depression and sleep goes both ways. When you’re overly stressed or depressed, it can be difficult to fall asleep. Likewise, the longer you go without quality sleep, the more stressed and depressed you can become.

Finding your optimal sleep temperature allows you to get the deep, restful sleep your body needs to battle emotional disorders, including depression and anxiety. When you’re able to recover at night, you can better tackle the hard things while you’re awake — keeping you focused, calm, and relaxed.

Finding Your Optimal Sleeping Temperature

If you’re sick of lying awake at night, take control of your thermostat. By finding your optimal sleeping temperature, you’ll start falling asleep more easily, staying asleep throughout the night, and you’ll wake up feeling rested and ready to go.

While the optimal range is typically between 60 and 67 degrees, everyone may have different needs. Make slight adjustments in temperature every couple of nights and track how easily you fell asleep, how many times you woke up throughout the night, and how you feel the next day. Keep this up until you find your sweet spot.

Installing a wifi enabled thermostat can give you full control of your sleeping temperature right from your bed— no matter how hot or cool it is outside. If you have questions, concerns, or you’re ready to start cooling your bedroom for optimal sleep, contact the Burgeson’s Heating & Air Conditioning team at 909.792.2222.