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How to Choose a Contractor

By Your Advisor 1/21/16 9:00 AM Time to read:

 Finding a quality heating and air conditioning contractor is equally as, if not more, important than deciding which brand of equipment to choose. It's imperative to hire an experienced heating and air conditioning expert to asses your home's specific needs. With a comprehensive evaluation of your HVAC system's efficiency, they can choose the appropriate equipment for you. It's best to choose a contractor before an emergency strikes. You don't want to rush this decision.

That's why we've assembled a handy checklist that'll help you choose a quality contractor .

1. Word of Mouth - Nothing beats word of mouth advertising. It means so much more when someone you trust refers you to a contractor as opposed to just reading online reviews. Google and Yelp may direct you to contractors, but verbal word of mouth from a reliable person speaks volumes. Ask your friends and relatives to give you recommendations. They won't disappoint.

2. Competence and Experience - Perform your due diligence. Check with the Contractors State License Board to confirm that your chosen contractor has the proper state licenses and certifications to practice their trade. Choose a company that properly trains its employees with a competent understanding of how electrical wiring, refrigerant, combustion systems, and airflow through duct work all work together to heat and cool your home.

Also, choose a contractor who performs the necessary tests to determine the deficiencies in your current home's system and assess your home's specific needs. A quality contractor will also ask a lot of questions, for instance; which areas of your home are hard to heat or cool and does anyone in your home suffer from respiratory allergies?

3. Written Warranty - The mark of a good contractor comes with an ironclad guarantee of their products and services. Choose a contractor that provides you with a written and comprehensive warranty both from their company and the manufacturer of the equipment.

4. Financing and Rebates - Financing can take the stress out of the investment. Check with your HVAC specialist about financing options. Those options could include the Hero program, offering delayed payments , or no interest for 12 months. Some heating and air conditioning equipment even comes with significant rebates when you purchase a qualifying system.

Above all, take the time to shop around for a dependable contractor. Don't be swayed by the lowest bid. A reliable heating and air conditioning contractor may be more expensive, but most likely provides a better value in terms of product and service. If you're satisfied with your service, pay it forward. Save your friends and family time and money with an honest and enthusiastic recommendation. They'll thank you for it.