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Top 5 Air Conditioner Problems That You Can Avoid

By Your Advisor 9/15/17 8:00 AM Time to read:

Even as temperatures begin to decline, you're likely still giving your HVAC system a workout. And no matter the temperature outside, there are few things worse than your home or business air conditioning breaking down completely.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common HVAC problems you can avoid so that you can stay cool all year long!

Refrigerant Leaks

To operate at optimal levels, your AC system relies on a cooling agent known as refrigerant. A fixed amount of refrigerant (determined by manufacturer specifications) cycles through the coils of your AC system, absorbing heat from the air, allowing cool air to circulate in your home. Sometimes the coils in your AC system can develop cracks, holes, or leaks, which depletes your system of the necessary substance to keep things cool. When refrigerant leaks out of your system, you’ll notice the air coming through the registers (vents) into your home is warm. Not only is this situation uncomfortable for you and your family, but it can create bigger problems, such as your system working harder to cool things down, your electric bill sky-rocketing, and potentially, harmful chemicals leaking into the outside air. Getting the leaks in your system fixed right away by a professional is critical to an effective cooling system and a healthy environment.

Frozen Evaporator Coils

Although it seems counter-intuitive, another reason your AC may not be cooling your home is that your evaporator coils are frozen. As explained above, the evaporator coil is filled with refrigerant and it works to absorb heat from the surrounding air. When air flow across the indoor coils is restricted due to a dirty coil, bad blower motor, or blocked return air grille), a layer of ice can develop on the coils, stopping them from working properly. Not only might this prevent your system from cooling your home or business efficiently, it can also shut down your system altogether. If you think your coils may be frozen, shut the system down completely and call for service right away.

Faulty Fans

The internal fans in your HVAC system do a lot of the work to keep your air conditioning performing effectively. For one, the blowers push air through the evaporator coils, which keeps air circulating through your home. There is also a fan that expels warm air away from your unit’s condenser and outdoors – another important action keeping your system working well. If either fan breaks down, accumulates excessive dust or dirt, or is otherwise slowed, it can create problems for the main components of your system – and you don’t want that! Reach out to an HVAC professional who can assess if your fan’s motor needs changing, if the fan is due for a good cleaning, or if the speed of the fan should be adjusted.

Leaky Ducts

The ducts of your HVAC system are the main arteries carrying all that cooled air to different rooms in your home. Leaks caused by broken joints, holes, tears or other punctures cause the cool air to seep out and into your attic instead of through registers into the rooms where you need it most. What’s more, leaks in your ducting system can cause your AC to work overtime, driving up your energy bills and straining its essential components. Clues that there is a problem with your ducts are if your usage is the same, but your bill continues to rise or if it seems like the airflow through the registers isn’t as forceful as it used to be. Have a specialist out to check your system if you suspect there is a problem with your ducts.

Backed Up/Clogged Drainage

Your HVAC’s drainage system is crucial for getting rid of excess moisture that is produced as your AC cools your home. This moisture must be condensed, collected, and expelled through condensate lines leading outside or into drains. If the drainage system is not cleared regularly, it can get stopped up with dirt and debris, causing the water to back up or leak out – none of which is good for your cooling system or your home. Leaking water can cause damage to your walls, ceiling, and floors, and backups could cause equipment damage to electrical components. Best to avoid this problem by investing in regular maintenance which should include clearing condensation lines before they can get stopped up and cause things to break down.

Don’t leave your comfort up to fate! If you think your system is suffering from any of these issues, get a professional’s help figuring out exactly what problems your AC system has. Address these potential issues before they become costly inconveniences. We’re here to help! Give one of our technicians a call today at (909) 792-2222 to discuss your system or schedule an annual maintenance service.